November News
What’s happening in Abundant Waters?
Fourth Graders are starting a New York City Unit
They are reading The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden and illustrated by Garth Williams.
The story tells of a country cricket who mistakenly travels to the busiest city, New York City. The cricket is befriended by a young boy, a city mouse and a cat who are caring, streetwise and protective. Chester discovers his musical talent and helps the Bellini’s family business. To further their study the group will have several activities with this book. The three friends have unique characteristics, the children will list characteristics and traits for their animal character and create their own. Once they create their characters they will make the animal characters' home.
Fifth Graders: Ice Breakers

Playing these ice breakers have encouraged students to actively listen, take turns, and ask questions. They are learning and engaging with their peers to figure out who that person is. In this particular ice breaker game, they were given a list of questions, Do you have a pet? Do you like roller coasters? Then once they gathered their information and chatted with peers they were given a form with those categories. They had to figure out which peer it could be.

The following week they tried a Guess Who Game based on filling out a sheet with 5 specific questions. Then once completed they handed it in to their group leader. The group leader then read off the information for the children to guess who they are talking about.
Reminders/Upcoming Dates:
Monday December 23-Wednesday January 1/Winter Recess/NoAW
See you back in the New Year 2025 on Thursday January 2nd !