What’s happening in Abundant Waters?
Kindergarten is reviewing the alphabet and writing their names.
They also made Oobleck. They shared and talked about what they observed while playing with the Oobleck. Discussing whether it is solid, liquid or both. They discovered that it changes as they play with it. It gets harder when you squeeze it in your hand, but becomes soft and liquidy when you stop squeezing it. They observed that it was sometimes sticky and soft. It was messy and fun to play with.

First Graders are learning gym games, going over rules, taking turns, personal space, teamwork and having fun. A few of their favorites are The Floor is Lava, Ball Tag and Relay Races.
Second graders are exploring the art of paper that is Origami. Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper into shapes representing objects. They recently worked on 3D origami pieces that involved making leaping frogs with Ms. Ng.

Third grade has been focusing on a science unit: Air
Every Friday the third graders conduct experiments related to air.
Lesson 1: Where is Air?
They discussed what air is, if their 5 senses interact with air, shared examples and filled out a sheet with their responses.
Mr Nelson: What is Air?
Petra: Air is something that you cannot see and it helps you breathe.
Colette: Air is all around us.
Thiago: Air is oxygen.
Danny: What you breathe is air. You breathe in oxygen.
Ben: Air is oxygen from trees or the wind.
After the discussion, they conducted an experiment using a balloon and a bottle. There were three different experiments:
Blowing up a balloon in bottle, Blowing up a balloon in a bottle with a hole
and blowing up a balloon in a bottle but with the hole now covered.
Next week: Grades 4 and 5 News.
Reminders and Upcoming Dates
Friday November 1st | Diwali, No AW |
Tuesday November 5th | Election Day/No AW |
Thursday November 7th | Parent Teacher Conferences/No AW |
Monday November 11th | Veteran's Day, No AW |
Thursday-Friday November 28-29th | Thanksgiving Day, No AW |